Defining things

 To define something is to refine it, explain it, shape it, and give it more information or clarity. Tangible objects can be defined much like an artist creates sculpture. Either by adding to something (clay, adding and building something up) or by chipping away (stone sculpture where you remove the excess bits). 

Intangible things, like life - are a combination of this, most of the time. The things that define us as people are both adding to our souls and minds, and chipping at our spirit away at the same time. 

I have recently experienced this in a very intense and concentrated manner. The massive building up and expansion of personal skills and creativity, building something amazing in an unrealistic timeline without nearly enough resources and then being shattered by an ill-timed critique or material damages, or simple burn-out from 19-hour days for several days straight.

This is what defines us. These things that Build and the things that Break. The building and the breaking are mental, emotional, and often physical.

I've for many years wondered about the things that make me, me. What defines me? And I always figured, I will deal with that when the time comes. How I respond in a given situation is going to be what I'm like. But we can actually change this - we can decide how we want to respond to things. Sometimes, usually when too tired to think straight, things are very emotional, and the responses to the Breaks are not quite what was planned, but we can decide how we want to be defined.

Let the Breaks chip away at the unwanted parts only, and let the Builds add more of what makes you amazing. You get to define yourself - no one and nothing else does. 


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