

Rome wasn't built in a day, they say. Rome was built over many many decades, and the Roman Empire was, at it's height, the most powerful government in the world. 

What about my Rome? Will I be leaving a legacy that impacts people all over the world? Will I have such a profound impact on languages, sciences, mathematics and law that for centuries after, most people in the world will be using it?

Obviously no. I'm one person - not a powerful empire with a military army that did everything they could to conquer the world.

So what about my world? My world is much, much smaller. My world contains my love and my family and my friends. My world is my home, and my work and the things I do that make me happy. 

My world is my business - one where I'm setting out to conquer my empire. Can I do it alone?


Do I have a militia? No - but I have an army friends and family that think I'm pretty OK, and they support me.

This is madness - I fear everyday that my future is going to be a crazy difficult. Some days will be amazing, and some days will be awful. It's going to suck a lot of the time - but it will suck on my terms. 


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