The One With The Fear

Iconic and binge-worthy series F.R.I.E.N.D.S has an episode in season 3, where Rachel realises she hates her job and she quits, quite impulsively. The guys talk her into it by persuading her she needs "The Fear" to make work of getting a new job that she might actually like. 

I feel a lot like Rachel at the moment. Many times we become complacent and static and stuck without the fear. 
The Fear is about more than just getting the motivation to start a new job or career path; The Fear presents in many forms, like different monsters hiding in your closet. The New-Job-Fear is one thing. The I'm-Scared-Of-Failing-Fear is a totally other thing. So too is the What-If-They-Don't-Like-Me-Fear. The latter is applicable outside of a work-space, but still relevant.

I'm learning and processing the thinking around these fears - and figuring out how to deal with it. You need to shift that fear - out of yourself, into your competition. Even into your allies - they need to know that you are powerful and that you mean to be extremely good at what you do. Not by imposing intimidation and bullish attitude, just by being strong. Strong in sincerity and integrity, fuelled by passion and dedication and delivering quality service and results. To start a new adventure in life takes courage.

You need to have the fear. 


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