Level up. Not a request.

 I had an English teacher in early high school that had fun methods to teach us about literature. She had us do an analysis of a song of our choice (asking 15 year-olds this in 1999, is hilarious in hind-sight) and then we needed to identify metaphors, similes, double meanings, symbolism and so forth, and then present an oral to the class. 

I crashed and burned a little with this assignment, because in an attempt to be cool I chose a song from The Smashing Pumpkins; it was not a very deep and complex piece of writing (I'm still a fan of the Pumpkins, don't get me wrong. Mellon Collie is still a favourite album.) but this song was just "what"?

The exercise did, however, cement in me the need to listen to lyrics on another level. For all songs thenceforth. I even attach to songs emotionally as a result, often subconsciously. 

A previous post explained the process of being in a cocoon at the moment. At the time of typing there are 12 calendar days left in this cocoon period, and I'm frankly getting impatient. That's part of the lesson I suppose. Enjoy the cocoon.

But I digress - 

My playlist the last few weeks has become somewhat special, with a consistent theme of moving forward (or levelling up, hence the title, duh), taking on daring situations (thanks Top Gun), becoming legends and dealing with fear. This morning's car ride to work was by All Time Low (I'm respectfully over pop-punk, but this song is catchy). A lot rebel and a lot frustrated teenager, especially if you make it to the end of the music video - the words still hit a spot.

"Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year"


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