Taking stock.

 This is been an astounding 10 weeks.

I resigned from my safe day job and left at the end of February 2022, to go on my crazy adventure.

By the end of March 2022 - I built a website, opened a shop (with incredible help from friends and family - thank you again) bought inventory for the said shop, met clients, launched projects, installed lighting for clients, and made 5x the revenue I expected in the first month.

By the end of April 2022, I'd employed a person part-time, invoiced almost as much as in March, expanded the product range, built the online store (soon to be live), and set up another few (almost confirmed) but amazing projects. I was also the victim of theft - someone stole my precious Eve. My not-quite-over-the-hill-but-still-better-than-yours MacBook Pro - to which I clung with sentimentality more than with need. It was a lovely and elegant thing to work on.

I suddenly had the stress and pressure of police, detectives, insurance, and the "joy" of buying a new device from useless online retailers, which - now that the stress is over, is WAY nicer than Eve ever was - largely because I never quite acclimated to Apple's "opposite-ness". I'm enjoying the Microsoft Surface 3 - it's slick and as powerful as a portable ever needs to be. It's still unnamed - struggling to find the right designation. We're leaning towards Bruce.

Taking stock (literally) after the theft left me thinking a lot about what's been going on, how things have changed in just 6 weeks and it feels like it's been forever. (This post is overdue due to work-load and illness)

Today - I stand in the soft warm light that shapes my Studio, working on my new device, setting up schedules for huge projects that will carry me out the year, and I realise - this is all mine. All the beautiful things that have been sourced and put on display, all the suppliers that trust me to uphold their reputations, the feeling of calmness when walking into the studio - so too the responsibility of the products, the monthly costs, and loans with interest - that's all mine too. 

But the best feeling is when passersby stop dead in their tracks and walk back - to look in my window and awe at the designer pendants and fittings on display. Some look so intently they don't notice me at the table at first - then they smile, wave and give me a thumbs up.

Then I know everything is going to be just fine.


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