
Why do you do what you do? Author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek spoke at a TEDx Talk back in 2009 about "How great leaders inspire action" . This video has (at the time of writing) been watched 65 and a half million times, and that tells me that man has something noteworthy to say, and we should listen. I've watched it about 15 of those 65.5 million times, but I need to remind myself every so often that I need to hear it all again. If you haven't seen it yet, go - I'll wait. Right - So I ask again - Why do you do what you do? Truth be told - I haven't figured it out yet either. I like to think that I do what I do because I'm making people's lives better in a fairly practical, albeit superficial way. (If you don't know what I do - here you go. ) Why, is another story. But then, I say to myself, if I didn't offer insight and specialist knowledge about lighting and light engineering, many people would live, work and socialize in ugly...